Get to Know Me: It’s a Disney Thing

Hello my flowers! I am back for my second blog and I just want to thank you for stopping by and reading my page to read my post, I hope you all keep enjoying them 🙂 We are now in part two of my “Get to Know Me Series”, and by the title, I think we all know what I am going to talk about next, *drumroll please* DISNEY! *the crowd goes wild because Disney is fabulous* Hopefully y’all noticed that my blog had a certain theme to it, yes, it is Tangled, aka, my best friend Rapunzel.

Why Rapunzel you may ask yourself? Rapunzel is my favorite princess ever. (Followed by the fabulous Shang Yu kicker Mulan and ever so kind Cinderella). She is special in so many ways! Can we start with her long and luscious golden magical hair that glows when she sings? Her best friend is a cute Chameleon, she tries to see the good in everyone, is extremely talented, and I just lover her SO MUCH.

Her love story with Flynn Rider (Eugene Fitzherbert) is my favorite Disney love story. *BEWARE OF SPOILERS AHEAD* The whole time they are together I have the biggest smile on my face, and don’t even get me started on the lantern scene because I sing along, and cry like there is no tomorrow EVERY SINGLE TIME. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic adult who loves Disney and it’s cheesy love stories.

But what is so special about Rapunzel’s story is how she broke out of her usual morning line up, and discovered the world outside her tower. She chased her dream to see the floating lanterns gleam, found herself a very handsome lover (C’mon ladies yes its animation but I know I’m not the only one that doesn’t melt at the sight of Flynn RIder’s smolder), and most beautiful of all, she found her real family.

I’m in love with this story, and I try to apply it to my own life. I have my daily line up on repeat, and I do have dreams. I want to go running, and racing and dancing and chasing after my own dreams, my own floating lanterns. One of the most famous lines by the lost princess is, “THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER”, and its something I want to start saying everyday. Why you may ask? I know rainy days will come, troubles and trials, but with my God by my side, why shouldn’t it be the best day ever?

Rapunzel’s Story is a reminder that anything can happen when you chase your dreams, when you see the good in people, and stay true to yourself and embrace who you are. If a Disney story gives you that boost in your mood, imagine what the love of God can do.

God’s love is so wonderful, its more beautiful than a sky lit up with lanterns. I have dreams of my own, everyday I try and work on breaking down my tower (symbolizing my own battles), I WAS the lost princess, but I was found by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. God has found me and called me His own. 1 Peter 2:9 says I am God’s “royal priesthood”. Just like God has called me He has called you.

You are beautiful and priceless. God sees you. God sees your beauty. He knows your dreams, he knows your heart. God has a plan for your life. We might not know what His plans are, God is mysterious in that way, but they always work out for the better. Don’t ever lose your crown, never lose sight of your own floating lanterns. God believes in you, I believe in you. You were called for greatness.

Also, you’re fabulous, don’t forget that.


Here’s a picture of my latest Disney visit sharing a sweet moment with my best friend

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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

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