Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust

Hello my flowers! We are back! Another week of blogging!

I hope each and every one of you had an absolute fabulous Valentine’s Day with your loved ones! I bought myself some Starburst jelly beans, and some Chick-Fil-A. I also went thrift store shopping (no luck on that day) after work, caught up on a novela, ate some pasta, and cuddled with my Valentine’s (my dogs). I hope you enjoyed your day as much as I enjoyed mine. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by my family, my dogs, my church, co workers, and friends who shower me with love.

From the title of this week, I’m pretty sure you know who will be our surprise guest, yes yes, its Tink, Tink, Tinkerbell! Our favorite fairy friend! Why Tinker you may ask? Because Tink is FABULOUS. FIERCE. And most importantly, SASSY. Yes girl, get it. Most of us know Tink from our favorite lost boy, Peter Pan, but throughout her own individual movies we get to know how Tink came to be, and go on many adventures with her through Pixie Hollow and beyond.

What I love most about Tink is her creativity to build things, that’s why she is a Tinker. Tinkerbell stands up for what she believes in, she remains positive, and stands strong. She does what she can to protect her fairy friends, and show love to them in every possible way her crazy little self can.

Have you ever gotten some terrible news? Or has something terrible happened? Something that paralyzed your body, something you were dreading to hear, and have completely no control over the outcome? I do. Heck, I am going through it right now.

I won’t share the details, just know that I over think 100% of the time, and I get terrible anxiety. As I got some news I hoped not to get, I was preparing my brain to do what it does best (which is actually a bad thing), over think. I was preparing my heart to beat as fast as it could, and suck on as much mints as I can (that calms me down), dramatically throw myself on my bed like your typical Disney princess crying pose, and well, cry cry cry cry cry cry cry cryyyyy. But no, it didn’t happen. To be honest, as much as I’ve been wanting to CRY, PANIC, SCREAM, THROW UP, I CAN’T. I LITERALLY CAN’T. And I don’t know if that is frustrating me, like, I feel like I have absolutely no feelings. Which is crazy because I am a person with A LOT of feelings who IS NOT afraid to show them AT ALL.

Have you ever heard the story of Job?

Job was a faithful man. Job loved God and was obedient to him in everything he did. Job 1:1 says, “…[he was] blameless, upright, fearing God and turning away from evil” (NASB) If we put everything he had in “modern days”, I would think Job was a very wealthy man. A man with a big and successful family and career. I would picture Job sitting in his huge office, over seeing all of his land and business. I could see his wife being at home flowering in their own massive garden. Seeing his children at the best country clubs in the world, driving fancy cars. Once again, just taking my own modern take based on scripture. Job 1:3 says, “…that man was the greatest of all the east” (NASB). Soon, Job lost it all. He lost everything. How would you feel? Having everything, to nothing? I think any person would say they would PANIC, SCREAM, CRY, BLAME THE WORLD BLAME GOD, but, he didn’t.

Job worshipped.

Wouldn’t that be the last thing we would do? Worship God? The most common answer would be to question him, and blame him. He is the God all mighty. He is the Lord of Lords. He does know everything, so why would this happen to Job? How could he had let it happen?

Haven’t you thought that to yourself? “Why is this happening to me?” “Why aren’t things getting better?” “Why do I get bad news after bad news after bad news?” It’s okay, we’ve all been there.

If you read chapter one in the book of Job, we see how God knew what was going to happen to Job, but God also knew that Job would not turn away from him. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, “…he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (NIV), other versions use the word tested instead of tempted.

Most of the times, we don’t know why things happen, most of the times we can’t control the situation, only one person knows, and only He can control, and thats God.

If you’re going through a rough patch, if you got some news, just like me, remember that God is control.

My prayer recently has been to have a mindset like Job did. He didn’t question or blame God, he didn’t turn away from, he worshipped God, he trusted God, he remained faithful to God. That is so beautiful.

I know what you’re thinking, “HOW ON EARTH DOES TINKERBELL GO WITH JOB?!”

I know, I know, odd pairing, but we can learn a lot from them. Have their mindsets, take both and put them into one. In times like these, I think of Job, and my in her Disney self thinks of Tink, I don’t know why, but I do, thats why I shared it with all of you.

When things go wrong, when life happens, have the mentality and attitude of Tink, don’t take no for answer, try and try again. Be courageous, show love to your fellow fairies (humans), step out of your comfort zone, be creative, etc.

Be like Job, when everything was taken from him, he worshipped. Wether we are going through struggles, or our life is nothing but sunshine, God is still God, and God is still good an God is still the one an only God.  God is still faithful. He sees everything, he hears everything, and knows it all.

I pray that whatever you are going through/go through, God grants you peace in you heart, mind and soul. I pray God gives you the strength, wisdom and patience. I once heard a preacher say, “If you have a problem that has no solution, why stress about it? If you have a problem that has a solution, why stress about it?”

Life happens.

Its inevitable.

It’s how we react that can make a difference with the situation and outcome.

You’re not alone.

You’re loved.

As hard as it may be sometimes, God is always with you, God is always holding you.

Just have faith, trust, and pixie dust.

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Here’s a picture of me and the one and only, Tinkerbell. Catching up with Tink is actually one of my favorite things to go at Magic Kingdom for several reasons. One, she is located on Main Street which is my second favorite part of the park. Second, her line usually is not long. First thing my family and I do is meet Mickey Mouse at the Townsquare Theatre, then go right on next door to meet our favorite fairy. Waiting inside a building with AC and for a short period of time feels like heaven on Earth. My favorite part is actually BEFORE you get to meet Tink, a magical surprise awaits for you before stopping by and saying hello to meet this Tinker, don’t forget your Pixie Dust 🙂

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