Love is in the air

Hello my flowers! Welcome back to the fabulous blog *flips hair*. Love is in the air isn’t? (I actually have no clue) but, Valentine’s Day is coming up, we are seeing more chocolate than the usual, the cards, the gifts, the teddy bears of all shapes and sizes, the pinks and the reds, it’s ALL OVER THE PLACE. I personally LOVEEE Valentine’s Day. Now, I’ve never had a Valentine, I never actually celebrated it, I never even had a Galentine’s Day (need some gal’s to do that, LOL) But I love Valentine’s Day like, I really do.

Many hat eValentine’s Day because they view as a day for just couples, but, Valentine’s Day in Spanish is called, “Dia del amor y la amistad”, which translates to “Day of love and friendship”, so for all you couples, singles, and guys and gals getting friend-zoned, this day is also for you!


Yes, for one day we can all at least try to get along and love each other, but actually, we should practice that *sings High School Musical* EVERY DAY..OF OUR LIVES… So many things we can say, Ellen DeGeneres always says, “Be kind to one another”.

Luke 6:35 says, “ your enemies..”

Mark 12:31 “…Love your neighbor as yourself..”

Ephesians 4:2 “..bearing one another with love

1 Peter 4:8 “ each other deeply..”

Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times..”

And the list could go *sings Pink Slip from Freaky Friday* ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON.

Showing kindness and love is NOT an easy task. My whole motto for this blog is living fabulously unfabulous , because it is not easy.

It’s not easy to show kindness to bullies, or people that don’t deserve it.

It’s not easy to show love to someone who hasn’t shown an ounce of it to us.

Cinderella’s mother once told her, “Have courage, and be KIND

Isn’t that a pattern we see in all of our Princess friends? They showed kindness to people that didn’t even deserve it. In the live action Cinderella movie *SPOILER ALERT*, before she heads off to live her happily ever after, she tells her evil step mother, “I forgive you”, like, excuse me, WHAT?! She wasn’t saying it to show off to her handsome prince, she said it because it was from her heart, because that’s what her mother taught her. Cinderella showered kindness everywhere she went. She showed it to her mother and father before they passed on, to all of the living creatures and people she encountered, and even to her step mom and step sisters who treated her like a slave. I think that’s why I have always looked up to Cinderelly *sings* CINDERELLY CINDERELLY 🙂

Though her life was far from perfect, and even though we know she probably felt miserable, she still showed love and kindness. We should learn that from her. Valentine’s Day is a great day! Trust me. I love it. But it’s important to show love not just on February 14th, but every day as well.

I have learned to love God above all else, I have learned to love myself in the good and the ugly, to love my family even when I can’t stand them (C’mon, that’s normal), and it’s been though, but I have learned (and am still in the process) of loving those who have hurt me.

Boy, isn’t that tough?

I had a teacher my freshman year of high school, Mrs. Moore, RIP. She always had a “quote of the day”, and one that I will never forget, (I even shared this story last night when I preached, that’s how much it has impacted me), “Those who deserve love the LEAST, need it the MOST”, boy, that’s a challenge, but it’s true! It’s way more easier to be mean to the people that have hurt us, it’s easier to hold a grudge, talk mess, and ignore their existence, but it’s not the right thing to do. Take Cinderella’s mom advice, and Mrs. Moore’s, and practice it.

In the world we are living in, we need to share as much kindness, love and courage as we can. Everyday.

On this Valentine’s Day coming up, enjoy the chocolates, flowers, cards, teddy bears, your lovers and your friends, but don’t forget, to treasure them every day.


Above: This is a picture from my 20th birthday, as you can see I am with the whole Tremaine gang (Lady Tremain=Step mother, Anastasia=Step sister in pink, Drizella Tremaine= Step sister in green), now, I know they are not the friendliest bunch, but I followed what Cinderella’s mother said, showed kindness to them, and they weren’t too bad. As you can see, we formed an all girls squad. We laughed, talked about makeup, pizza, and boys.


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Above: *sings* Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful? Yes, yes, it is Cinderella herself. Now, this picture is from my most recent Disney trip, where I celebrated the big 21  (a few days before, but still). This beautiful princess did not fail to disappoint. She was so kind and gentle I just did not want to stop chatting with her. Charming was off doing his duties while Jack Jack and the rest of the gang were exploring the palace. Cinderella and I got to catch up and talk about my future prince (which I pray he showers me with love, Disney, Jesus and pizza), shoes, and how college tuition should be free or at least affordable to everyone (Yes, we actually did talk about that, by the way, way to go San Francisco!) I can’t wait to return and catch up with the sweetest, miss you Cinderelly ❤

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